The Story of Proud Indian - Sapien Kid – SapienKid™
The Story of Proud Indian - Sapien Kid

The Story of Proud Indian - Sapien Kid

  • 15 February, 2023
  • Jay Chauhan

Who is Proud Indian?

The person who is happily born in India, wants to make the country represent his best for himself and others with the land of the country is known to be a Proud Indian. A proud Indian would be one who would say “My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.



Indian Democracy:-

India is now a parliamentary democracy. It means the people of India elect their leaders themselves who meet in what is called parliament and make laws for the country. Indian people rule ourselves through the leaders we elect. Everyone above the age of 18 has a right to vote and is capable of electing the members of the parliament. These elected members form the government. This is why India is called the Largest democracy.

How can we make India a superpower?

  • A superpower is a state with a dominant position characterized by its extensive ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale. This is done through the combined means of economic, military, technological, political and cultural strength as well as diplomatic and soft power influence.
  • To make our country a superpower, the young upcoming generation needs to understand that superpower is the strength of unity among the people living in India. 
  • We should respect our seniors, with all the views that they have experienced in their life. As they teach us how to take over life, with their views. That connection between us and  seniors, legendary people, influencers and Indian fighters should be kept with us all time so that our young generation can be connected, with respect to take our country high.
  • As , our ancient history teaches us the idea of  innovation of Indian people to make history and life of the world with new terminology. We should never stop researchers, ideas and new questionnaires in our minds to make new products for the world. 
  • We are the 2nd largest population country in the world, so the unity among people can change the world trading within the country to make sustainable innovation. Start-up of the product to make available to every person. 
  • Education is the most important part of life. As a nuclear family and India as a family  we need to  educate, learn, experience, apply knowledge to everyone, and make education available for everyone. The importance of gaining knowledge makes ideas take note and form a new way of learning.
  • Every stage of life does not come up with a solution. We together need to- Make politicians live like the voters, Eliminate inequality, Unleash innovation, Deploy technology to democratize education, Improve relations with key neighbours. 
  • Explore is to investigate, study, or analyse. As citizens of India we need to explore the things around us. India is home of all religions, people in India celebrate happiness together, there are places of adventure, culture importance, history. Respecting nature with all aspects can make us value and teach us the importance of Indian people. 

India’s military- 

The Indian Armed Forces are the military forces of the Republic of India. It consists of three professional uniformed services: the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force. This Military organization protects our mother land while serving their life’s. The Indian Armed Forces are under the management of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) of the Government of India. With a strength of over 1.4 million active personnel, it is the world's fourth-largest military force and has the world's largest volunteer army. It also has the third-largest defence budget in the world. The primary mission of the Indian Army is to ensure national security and national unity, to defend the nation from external aggression and internal threats, and to maintain peace and security within its border. It conducts humanitarian rescue operations during natural calamities and other disturbances.

Constitution of India:-

The Constitution of India came into force on 26th January, 1950.

India’s constitution is longest written constitution in the world. The process of constitution-making was greatly influenced by the following factors: 

(a) Aspirations generated during the long drawn freedom struggle, 

(b) The constitutional and political changes that took place during the British rule, 

(c) The ideas and thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi, popularly known as Gandhism, 

(d) The socio-cultural ethos of the country and 

(e) The experiences of the functioning of Constitutions in other democratic countries of the world. 

The Constitution of India defines all aspects of the Indian political system including its basic objectives. It has provisions regarding 

(a) The territories that India will comprise- 

(b) Citizenship- a position of being a member of India.

(c) Fundamental Rights- a group of rights that have been recognized by the supreme court of India for protection. And to make people’s lives more independent. 

There are 7 fundamental rights- 

  1. The Right to Equality
  2. Right to Freedom
  3. Right Against Exploitation
  4. Right to Freedom of Religion
  5. Cultural and Educational Rights
  6. Right to Property
  7. Right to Constitutional Remedies

(d) Directive principles of state policy and fundamental duties- to create social and economic conditions under which the citizens can lead a good life. 

(e) The structure and functioning of governments at the union, state, and local levels- our government should deal with every aspect of social life in India. 

(f) Several other aspects of the political system. 

It defines India as a sovereign, democratic, socialist and secular republic. It has provisions for bringing about social change and defining the relationship between individual citizens and the state. 

Pre-independence history of India:

  • 1885- Indian National Congress was formed
  • 1905- Swadeshi Movement
  • 1915- Return of Gandhi from South Africa
  • 1917- Champaran Satyagraha
  • 1919- Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
  • 1930- Dandi march
  • 1931- Bhagat Singh Martyred
  • 1942- Quit India movement
  • 1947- Indian Independence

Statue of Unity:-

The Statue of Unity is a tribute to the Indian leader Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, unveiled on 31 October 2018. the first home minister of independent India. He was responsible for uniting all 562 princely states of the country to build the Republic of India. This statue is a patriotic symbol of the legacy of a man who spent his life in the struggle for freedom. As a mark of respect, the statue is located at his birthplace in Gujarat. The total height of the structure is 240 m. Environmental law refers to rules and regulations governing human conduct likely to affect the environment. It reflects the legislative measures, and the administrative and judicial structures to protect the environment.


Did you know:- 


Indian women set to create history as an all-women pilot team had to fly over the North Pole, the world's longest air route, covering a distance of close to 16,000 kms. Flying over the North Pole is extremely technical and requires skill and experience. This is be the longest commercial flight in the world to be operated by Air India or any other airline in India...polar region is very remote, inhospitable and always under ice cover. The total flight time on this route will be of more than 17 hours depending on the wind speed on that particular day. All women cockpit crew consisting of Capt. Zoya Aggarwal, Capt. Papagari Thanmai, Capt. Akansha Sonaware & Capt. Shivani Manhas will operate the historic inaugural flight between Bengaluru & San Francisco. 

Airline - Flight (AI-176) 

Date - August 2019

India’s Flag:-

The national flag of India is a horizontal tri-colour of deep saffron at the top, white in the middle and dark green at the bottom. A navy blue wheel representing the chakra is present right in the middle of the white band. Mahatma Gandhi had once stressed why India should have its own flag and had said, "A flag is a necessity for all nations. Millions have died for it. It is no doubt a kind of idolatry which would be a sin to destroy. It will be necessary for us Indians Muslims, Christians Jews, Parsis, and all others to whom India is their home-to recognize a common flag to live and to die for." A nation's flag is a symbol of its freedom. The saffron colour indicates the strength and courage of the country. The white indicates peace and truth. The green band represents the fertility, growth, and auspiciousness of our land. Dharma Chakra depicts the "wheel of the law" in the Sarnath Lion Capital made by the 3rd-century BC Mauryan Emperor Ashoka. It signified that there is life in movement and death in stagnation.

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