The Story of Body Changes - Sapien Fable | Sapien Kid – SapienKid™
The Story of Body Changes - Sapien Fable | Sapien Kid

The Story of Body Changes - Sapien Fable | Sapien Kid

  • 23 January, 2023
  • Jay Chauhan

What are stages of human development?

Development is a continuous process from neonatal to adulthood. Though the growth ceases after adolescence, adolescence is not the end for development. Each developmental stage has a new set of challenges and opportunities. 

  • Infancy
  • Early and late childhood
  • Adolescence
  • Early adulthood
  • Middle Adulthood
  • Old Age


Defining puberty :-

Puberty is when a child's body begins to develop and change as they become an adult.

Girls develop breasts and start their periods. Boys develop a deeper voice and facial hair will start to appear.

  • The average age for girls to begin puberty is 11, while for boys the average age is 12.
  • But it's different for everyone, so don't worry if your child reaches puberty before or after their friends.
  • It's completely normal for puberty to begin at any point from the ages of 8 to 14. The process can take up to 4 years.

First signs of puberty in girls:-

  • The first sign of puberty in girls is usually that their breasts begin to develop.
  • It's normal for breast buds to sometimes be very tender or for one breast to start to develop several months before the other one.
  • Pubic hair also starts to grow, and some girls may notice more hair on their legs and arms.

First signs of puberty in boys:-

  • The first sign of puberty in boys is usually that their testicles get bigger and the scrotum begins to thin and redden
  • Pubic hair also starts to appear at the base of the penis

Mood changes in puberty:-

Puberty can be a difficult time for children. They're coping with changes in their body, and possibly acne or body odor as well, at a time when they feel self-conscious.

Puberty can also be an exciting time, as children develop new emotions and feelings.

But the "emotional rollercoaster" they're on can have psychological and emotional effects, such as:

  • unexplained mood swings
  • low self-esteem
  • aggression
  • depression

How parents can educate the child about Sex education at different stages?

  • The names of their body parts
  • Start talking about the functions of our body parts – urine comes out through your penis/vulva, poo comes out through your bottom/anus
  • If they like being naked all the time, start introducing boundaries about nudity – there is a time and a place to be naked.

  • The correct names of the body parts and what they do
  • Boys and girls are different but are also the same – girls usually have a vulva, boys usually have a penis but we all have nipples/bottoms/noses/hands, etc.
  • Our bodies are different and that’s okay
  • Our bodies can tell us what we’re feeling
  • All living things reproduce
  • A baby grows inside the woman – uterus or baby bag or even tummy
  • Both a man and a woman are needed to make a baby
  • You want to set yourself as their number one source for information

  • Know what words to use when talking about body parts (both boys and girls) – penis, testicles, scrotum, anus, vulva, labia, vagina, etc.
  • Internal reproductive organs – uterus, ovary, etc.
  • Bodies come in all different shapes, sizes and colors
  • Look after their own body
  • To have refusal skills in place – ‘Stop, I don’t like that’.
  • Sexual intercourse
  • That a baby can happen when a man’s sperm joins a woman’s ovum
  • That sex is an adult activity and is not for kids

  • Puberty
  • All of the above but in much greater detail
  • What physical, social and emotional changes to expect with puberty (both sexes).
  • Some kids are curious about sex and some aren’t. Both are normal
  • Awareness of their parent’s sexual values and beliefs – love, dating, contraception, when it is okay to become sexually active, etc.
  • How to be cybersmart and to use their mobile phone safely
  • The characteristics of respectful relationships

Why is talking to kids about puberty important?

Boys and girls can see these changes happening to each other — in some cases, they can smell them. It's important to talk to your child about how bodies change — sooner, rather than later.

  • Be prepared to talk to a girl about the expected events of puberty, including menstruation, when you see the first signs of breast development, or earlier if she seems ready or has questions.
  • A boy should know about normal penile development, erections, and nocturnal emissions before age 12 — sooner, if he's an early developer. And it's also important to talk to your child about what's happening to members of the opposite sex.
  • During puberty, your body will grow faster than any other time in your life, except for when you were an infant. Back then, your body was growing rapidly and you were learning new things — you'll be doing these things and much more during puberty. Except this time, you won't have diapers or a rattle and you'll have to dress yourself!
  • It's good to know about the changes that come along with puberty before they happen, and it's really important to remember that everybody goes through it. No matter where you live, whether you're a guy or a girl, or whether you like hip-hop or country music, you will experience the changes that happen during puberty. No two people are exactly alike. But one thing all adults have in common is they made it through puberty.
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